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Hottie of the Moment

Hottie of the Moment

Ryan Gosling, Mr. Noah Calhoun himself, the man of all our dreams! Amazing actor, awesome dude, and dead sexy. How can you not love him?


2004's Hotties were:
*July: Pierre Bouvier*
*August: Ryan Cabrera*
*September: Stevie Brock*
*October: Jesse McCartney*
*November: Josh Hartnett*
*December: Aaron Carter*

2005 Hotties
*January: Timbo Walker!*
*February-June: No hotties, sorry...I got lazy
and REALLY busy with work and school*
*July: Hayden Christensen*
*August: Tyler Hilton*
*September-January: Oops...I forgot!*

2006 Hotties
*February: Pete Wentz*
*March-September: Oops again, no hotties*
*October: Joey Lawrence*
*November: Tim Lopez*
*December-February: My bad...laziness, no hotties.*

2007 Hotties
*March: Tim Lopez again*
*July-November: Will Pugh*
*November-July: Gabe Saporta

2008 Hotties
*August: Joe Jonas and the Jonas Brothers

2010 Hotties
*Jan. - Dec.: Nick Jonas

2011 Hotties
*July-: Ryan Gosling


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